On Thursday 14th May last, in compliance with the COVID 19 Restrictions and the Directions of the President of the High Court, Personal Injury cases remaining in the Lists for Hearing for the period 18th March 2020 to the 15th May 2020 as well as all future Personal Injuries lists have been cancelled pending further Direction. It is noted that approximately 250 cases were listed for the period 18th March and 15th May 2020.
The High Court has called upon practitioners to inform them of cases which have settled or are now not ready for hearing. It is also noted that parties are encouraged to engage in discussions with a view to compromising actions. If matters cannot be settled, then it is further encouraged that the issues within the matter should be narrowed (or eliminated) with a view to reducing the number of witnesses required to attend a particular hearing.
It is also noted that Applications may be made remotely for Consent Judgments, Orders and Rulings. Parties may email Applications together with necessary supporting documentation for Ruling or Direction by Mr Justice Cross or a Judge of the High Court assigned to the Personal Injuries List.
It remains to be seen when High Court Personal Injury matters will be reassigned hearing dates.