If you have been affected by vaginal mesh implants then you are most likely entitled to compensation. $8 billion paid out globally to date by manufacturers.
Vaginal mesh implants were introduced in the late 1990’s as a routine treatment for stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse which are common complications following childbirth. These flexible plastic scaffolds have been used widely across Ireland and the UK for many years but have led to life altering complications for many women including nerve damage, pain, vaginal scarring, organ perforation and several reported deaths.
It is now widely accepted that up to 25% of women will suffer the consequences of having vaginal mesh inserted. Unfortunately, many of these complications are not initially obvious and may take several years
to manifest. It is also unfortunate that complications have been reported since 2008, yet Irish doctors continued to insert these long after the first FDA warnings appeared. In addition mesh companies engaged in ‘illegal, false and deceptive business practices’ and ‘put profits ahead of the health of millions of women’.
MDM Law is dealing with enquiries on behalf of a number of clients who are suffering from complications following such surgeries. We provide specialist female advice supporting our clients in relation to this issue and work closely with a fully trained urogynaecologist.
Our team of exceptional lawyers have extensive experience and knowledge in dealing with this issue. We take an empathetic sensitive approach and are proud to represent clients in securing compensation for them.
Should you have any queries in respect of this issue please contact us for confidential advices on 0212390620.